Chủ Nhật, tháng 12 17, 2006
Best Photo in 2006!
Those are really beautiful and meaningful pictures, and I find it quite interesting.
1st Picture: There is a fire and that man is holding a can, but he can't stop it although the ground is filled with water. He is totally shock, and he just can stand there, watching the fire and can not do anything. Feelling competely useless. That scence is terrble but somehow so beautiful!
2nd Picture: It is so alike with Sky-Lattern party in RMIT. We have the same celebration in our school, and that is just so wonderful.
3rd Picture: Just feel, and you will see the hidden beauty in this picture. How that little boy gives strength for that man! To me, it's a miracle!
Chủ Nhật, tháng 12 10, 2006
My Book Cover!

And this is my Book Cover. I like Black & White color alot, so I decided to make it my decisive color. There are diffirences between the back(white) and the front (black) but somehow they are related to each other by the lines. The image which I make is really simple. In this book, we are talking about design something real, something exist in the real world, not the affected manners. So the Black Mouse ( stand for desgin process) reflex through a mirror and become a different White Mouse is what I wanna talk about. We must not design such thing, must make it real ...
My BookCover's Inspiration!

Chủ Nhật, tháng 12 03, 2006
SaiGon Open City ---> What's after a meeting!
So the day has come and I came to the show. A litlle dissapointed swiftly pass through as I were passing each room. The air was so hot, and there're plenty of people who were talking out loud. The show rooms were so small and narrow. And then came the most important things: The press conference!
As the artist talking about the show, and how they've come with their ideas, how they managed to make everything possible, and turned their thoughts become true there were something unpredictable happened. When Mr.Tuan asked some of his questions, he blew up the whole room. I myself in some point totally agree with him. First: Vietnam is a big city, and there can't be not enough qualified people who can teach how to hang art works, how to light, frame, etc. Second: There were alot of succesful festival in Vietnam (especially in Hue, Sai Gon, Da Nang, Ha Noi). And it means that the gorverment is not strict or prohibit the art show. They couldn't get the license on time were their fault, or their inexperiences about the operation! ----> Those kind of trouble about license, places to organize the show are the first matter that we must concern about. Third: When the manager ( Mrs Hanh???) answered the question, I could tell that she was really upset. "I don't care, we can't ask for more, etc" ----> Those are the words wise people do not speak in such situation. She should calmdown and find appropriate words to
ease the problem.
I were really impressed by the Thai curator. He could clearly explain their creative processes, how they encouter problems and solve them. He is calm, wise, and smart, I think!
What I can get from that meeting is a bunch of troublesome problems and I can learn from that alots. How to operate things, how to ask foreign artist to join the show, how to coop with the government, how to spend a very small budget on a very big project, how to solve the problems when things go wrong, etc. I think the meeting is worthy!
Amazing picture!
Plz read the explaination below to find out a very interesting thing!
Research has shown that children can't indentiy the image of intimate couple because their brain do not familiar with such scenario. What they can really see are just the nine dophins.
Addition note: This image is also a test to determine wherether you have a corrupted mind or not. If it's so difficult for you to recognize the 9 dophins in 10 secs, then your mind is indeed corrupted .