Thứ Hai, tháng 7 24, 2006

Chủ Nhật, tháng 7 23, 2006
I was inspired by Rhythm concept when creating this picture (=.="). It illustrate a very smooth move of a women when she transforms herself from Formal to Normal and finally Stylish. I hope that you all will enjoy this picture.
And here is another example of dominance and subordination. q(o.O)b How do you feel about this my friends? Interesting , huh

And here is the origin of the drill :

Thứ Sáu, tháng 7 07, 2006
This is how U draw a picture, isn't it? Can you tell me where are those 2 hands coming from =))
The Spring Princess is coming. The whole world is becoming colourful, and when you look at this picture, can you feel your hope and the will to live is rising???
This picture made me think of a black widow who is killed her beloved husband & keep his heart for her and her only. Take a look at her hair, it's like a bloody stream, together with a scary eye which make her a deathly lady.

Time is something priceless. Time is a special privilege that God gave us, so we all must treasure it. However, there are some people who lose their way, wallow theirselves in sensual pleasure. Those social evils must be eliminated. And this picture is a message to those people: If you are not treasure your incident value, you are surely close to death. If you are wasting your time doing something bad (using drugs, prostitution, etc), you are burning yourselves also. It's not too late to correct your mistakes, stay away from those evil things and you will alive!
Here is the origin of the upper picture: